My wash day kit: On Tuesdays & Fridays I Pre-poo, Wash, Deepcondition, wrap my head/ hair using the t-shirt Video: T-shirt method Sunshyne or a towel leave it on for about 10-15 min. Then I apply my spay followed by my creamy leave-in conditioner, brush my edges and use a scarf Video: Scarf method Sunshyne to lay the edge down smooth and as straight as possible. Once my hair is completely dry I then moisturize the hair in section Video: Mosturize Sunshyne Style (i moisturize and seal at the same time.....see bellow)and Grease my scalp with JBCO Video: applying JBCO Sunshyne Style . I use EVOO when I do a hot oil treatment and I always use it in my pre-poo and DC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Moisturize Seal & Protect kit: To create whats in the pink bottle you'll need the following: Wave Nouveau moisturizing finishi...