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Showing posts from May, 2010

Relaxer update as of 5.19.10

                                                 Relaxer update as of 5.19.10(See video below) Unfortunately I didnt' quite make it to APL ;-/    Maybe next time I will be getting my next relaxer between October and December of 2010 Relaxer update as of 5.19.10(video) As of 5.19.10 I've decided to go on a 5-7 months stretch(More detail to come in my next post..... soo stay tune)

I should be Full APL by my next relaxer in about 2-3 weeks:-)

I truelly believe that when I get my next relaxer I should definitely be at full APL :-) I say that because right now without a relaxer I seem to be less than an inch away from APL!!! although my first real goal is to reacch BSL I would really be happy to know that I've made it to Full APL.... I would love to be full APL (that's also the reason why I'm pushing my next relaxer closer the end of this month or the begining of June I will be sure to update you on the status of my hair :-) ♥Let's pray for one another :-)